Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's been a while

Wow, my last post was in May. Now already October. It's been quite a long period for wonderful blessings that I received but not yet share with you.

Last month me and my wife along with my mom and sister went to Singapore to attend Registry of Marriage of my brother.
Love the time spent there. It's a miracle for me to go there because not long before I got fired from previous job.

My back is better now. Sometimes still hurt. I think it gets better because the time spent walking all day long in Singapore. Still cannot pick heavy items but much better now.

3 months doing nothing after got fired. Each day praying for a stress reliever for my wife (i.e. I got a job that include good salary). Now I got one. Even better than previous job. I was appointed as Marketing Director. Cool huh?
I know it is a blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ. So I just want to say Thank you Jesus!

You Are The Salt of The Earth and You Are The Light of The World

This is the script that I used to deliver the sermon on Morning Chapel time on 28 Feb 2018. "You are the salt of the earth . But i...

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